Friday 29 May 2015

Shan Shan Hsunchen Clans On The Steppes Of Pent

The Hsunchen

What the histories tell us
1363       Sheng raids much of Teshnos, taking northern tribesfolk as troops.
-1460     Seleran Empire.  Mountain and jungle hsunchen are taken onto the steppes to guard lines of 
               communication and to act as scouts and shock troops in the invasion of the West.
1461-4   Pentans driven out of Lunar lands.
1503       Pentans returned to Oraya
1506       Nights of Horror.  The Redlands are abandoned to the Lunars. 
Hyaloring depiction of tiger-kin

What we can know from these histories and our other sources
Teshnan disinterest concerning what lies beyond their borders is as proverbial as is their lassitude, and extends to the Hsunchen living within and on their borders.
The peoples who have been imported onto the steppe are starting to lose both, and some are happily engaging with their new home.  More just want the pain to stop.

Although they are frequently from within the borders of Teshnos, all of these peoples are generically referred to as Shan Shan Hsunchen, since the Shan Shan tends to dominate their geographical thinking.

Their Culture
Their homes are of mud-brick, stone and rammed-earth, sharing a continuous wall and roof, making each settlement a fortress in and of itself.  They are painted a single colour, dependent upon the clan.
 Their songs are unique to each people, and their accompanying instruments generally likewise.  The sounds tend to imitate their Beast Kin.
Clothing is variable, and will generally involve some portion of the hide- or imitation thereof – of their Beast Kin.
Loup garou.jpg
A Teshnan depiction of wolf-kin

Their Religion
Another noteworthy exception to the ‘pattern’ of Pent.

All follow their Beast Kin Spirit, but many other spirits and deities may have been adopted on their travels.  Known examples include:

Embyli Aldrya
Blood Sun
Black Sun
Other Hsunchen – whether propitiatory or otherwise
Variants upon spirits and deities from the various Pentan peoples
Local Landscape Daimons or Spirits
Ancestral Spirits
Chaos Gods – whether propitiatory or otherwise
Yara – propitiation generally
Tien – propitiation, except on very rare occasions in a deadly blood feud.

Michelangelo Buonarroti - Studies - WGA15523.jpg
Studies of semi-transformed Hsunchen by an Irippi Ontor scholar

Teshnan Hsunchen Names

Due to their complex interactions, there are distinct similarities and differences between the local dialects of Hsunchen-speech.  There is a tendency to imitate the sounds of the Beast Kin, although this is more of an accent on top of the dialect.  Names have a great commonality amongst the clans, but the basic pronunciation of the syllable will be dependent upon whether the people are predator, prey, or other.
All personal names have two syllables only, but are generally linked with a nick-name.
All place and clan names have three words, and may be of either or both genders.

Male Initial Syllable
Predator:             Ug-, Jig-, Dor-, Sin-, Khe-, Nam-, Nga-, Cho-, Min-, Ten-
Prey:                     Us-, Jis-, Dor-, Sin-, Se-, Nam-, Sha-, Cho-, Min-, Ten-
Other:                   Ung-, Jing-, Dar-, Sing-, Khes-, Nams-, Ngas-, Cha-, Ming-, Teng-

Male Terminal Syllable
Predator:             -ye, -yen, -me, -ji,  -jur, -sar, -gyel, -wang, -pa
Prey:                     -ye, -yen, -me, -ti,  -tur, -sar, -tiel, -wad, -pa
Other:                   -ye, -yen, -me, -je,  -jer, -ser, -gyel, -weng, -pe

Female Initial Syllable
Predator:             Je-, Pe-, So-, De-, Do-, Chu-, Yea-, Lha-, Tsche-
Prey:                     Je-, Pe-, So-, De-, Do-, Chu-, Yea-, Lha-, Se-
Other:                   Jes-, Pes-, Sas-, Des-, Das-, Chus-, Yas-, Lhas-, Nge-

Female Terminal Syllable
Predator:             -ma, -mo, -nam, -ki, -tso, -tsun, -chen, -ring
Prey:                     -ma, -mo, -nam, -si, -so, -sun, -sen, -rish
Other:                   -me, -ngem, -ke, -tse, -tsun, -cheng, -reng

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